Strong Refuge

I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. Psalm 71:7

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Da Vinci Debate

No, I haven't seen the movie. I'm sure I will eventually, but I haven't rushed out to be among the first. I did read the book a couple of years ago, mainly because I heard that a Baptist preacher had spoken out against it from the pulpit. That was actually the first time I'd ever heard of the book, and like my colleague who told me about the sermon, my first reaction was to read the book to find out what he was talking about. :)

I'm not sure I have strong feelings one way or the other about this book. It's fiction. It's fiction for adults who presumably know that it's fiction and can take it for what it's worth.

Or can they?

The preface to the book does suggest that a good bit of background for the story is based on historical fact--which after hours and hours of watching History Channel documentaries on the matter, I am prepared to say are not so factual after all.

What interests me, though, is something I saw in the Clarion Ledger a few weeks ago and bookmarked for later blogging.

According to the Barna Group, a Christian research and polling agency, 53 percent of adults who read The Da Vinci Code report that the book has helped their "personal spiritual growth and understanding."
53%? Holy Book Mobile, Batman!

Could it be true that more than half the people who've read this book believe it has helped their "personal spiritual growth and understanding"?

And if it is true, is this good or bad? My first reaction is to cringe to think that so many people could take a fictional thriller so seriously.

Then I wonder...numbers can prove anything, and what is it exactly these numbers really say?

What if 53% don't really agree with the book, but have been prompted to get more closely in touch with what they do believe as a result of the controversy surrounding it? Can it be all bad to have that many people asking what the real truth of Jesus is?

I just wonder...


Blogger BeeHappy2003 said...

Nice: Holy Bookmobile, Batman.

I am a devote Catholic who questions incessantly. Years ago I read the da vinci code and thought it was a fantastic read. None, let me repeat that, none of what I read changed by belief system at all. It was a great reminder of how connected Catholics COULD be.

12:00 PM, May 24, 2006  

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