Strong Refuge

I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. Psalm 71:7

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Porpoise Diving

Here's an interesting site: The Porpoise Diving Life.

It's of course a play on Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life, but Bill Dahl says in the most respectful way. Dahl says he got a lot out of Warren's book, but that he is writing for people who most sincerely floudering with the whole purpose driven thing.

I like it.

From the site:

Are you confused, curious or perplexed about life, God or postmodern culture? Have you been wounded by Christians or the Church? Do you have a sneaking suspicion that there's more to God than what you've been led to believe? Have you or someone close to you ever been whacked by the inexplicable...something that utterly defies explanation? Do you have fears, uncertainties and doubts about what you've been sold in the name of Christianity? Do you desire a safe place to come and listen or participate in the dialogue that is ongoing about these sorts of issues?

I can relate. I can definitely relate.


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