Strong Refuge

I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. Psalm 71:7

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Et Tu, Mary Poppins?

Just Googling around a little bit this morning, I found out that Mary Poppins is Satanic. After the whole scandal with Teletubbies and before them Smurfs, I suppose it should come as no surprise. No one ever knew what supercalifragilisticexpialidocious meant anyway. We can only guess what evil we were bringing into the world by running around singing it as children.

Then there was that whole thing with convincing us that anything could be good if we just put a little sugar in it.

It's so obvious now. Disney, Pamela Travers, and Julie Andrews were all in cahoots in an evil plot to turn a whole generation into overweight subversives who think there is nothing wrong with reading Harry Potter to their children.

What were our parents thinking? I'm sure they meant well, but really. They let us wash our hair with Protor and Gamble shampoo and run around singing Disney songs and believing that our own imaginations were full of true magic that could get us through any hard time that came our way.

Thank God.

Chim chiminey
Chim chiminey
Chim chim cher-ee!


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