Strong Refuge

I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. Psalm 71:7

Monday, April 10, 2006

Things You Might Not Know About Me

--I’m a vegetarian.
--I’ve been a vegetarian for more than ten years.
--I did not, as my father suspected, become a Buddhist when I became a vegetarian.
--I’ve read some stuff about Buddhism and think it is interesting.
--I’m still not a Buddhist.
--My family calls me Shaddy.
--Shaddy is shortened from Shadrack, who is well-known for not eating meat (and that little thing of surviving a fiery furnace unscathed).
--I don’t really know why my family nick-named me after Shadrack; they’ve called me Shaddy as long as I can remember.
--I became a vegetarian briefly as a child when my father sent my friend, Dumplin’ the cow, to the slaughter house.
--About ten years after that, my brother told me that my good Christian mother got me to eat meat by rewrapping freezer packages in grocery store plastic so that I would think I was eating strangers.
--A few years after my brother told me this, I became a vegetarian for the long haul.
--I think I just did it for health reasons and not really because of Dumplin’.
--I don’t care if other people are not vegetarians.
--Despite my commitment to healthy eating, for supper tonight I had a bowl of ice cream.
--Last night, I had a peanut butter cookie and a brownie.
--I have no idea what the point of this list is.
--If you read this far, you probably know at least one thing you didn’t know about me before.
--Tag. You’re it.


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