Strong Refuge

I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. Psalm 71:7

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

What Saves Us

by Bruce Weigl

We are wrapped around each other in
the back of my father's car parked
in the empty lot of the high school
of our failures, the sweat on her neck
like oil. The next morning I would leave
for the war and I thought I had something
coming for that, I thought to myself
that I would not die never having
been inside her long body. I pulled
her skirt above her waist like an umbrella
inside out by the storm. I pulled
her cotton panties up as high as
she could stand. I was on fire. Heaven
was in sight. We were drowning on our
tongues and I tried to tear my pants off
when she stopped so suddenly
we were surrounded only by my shuddering
and by the school bells grinding in the
empty halls. She reached to find something,
a silver crucifix on a silver
chain, the tiny savior's head hanging
and stakes through his hands and his feet.
She put it around my neck and held
me so long the black wings of my heart
were calmed. We are not always right
about what we think will save us.
I thought that dragging the angel down would
save me, but instead I carried the crucifix
in my pocket and rubbed it on my
face and lips nights the rockets roared in.

People die sometimes so near you
you feel them struggling to cross over,
the deep untangling, of one body from another.


I've carried that line, "We are not always right about what we think will save us," around in my head for a long time, and it still gives me the shivers. I've also seen these guys who served in Vietnam, even thirty years later, still struggling to find the the thing that will save them from themselves, from their own memories. Even for believers, it isn't easy. Some things run so deep they never are untangled. Still, poems like this teach us that there is comfort in places we may not ever expect.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a powerful poem. Sorry to be trite. I heard Scott Peck speak back in the 80s; he said that all the great truths are cliches. "Love makes the world go round" was one of his examples.

I read a quote last night but can't remember who wrote it or exactly how it went. Something llike the ..... maybe imaginary but the comfort isn't. At the time it reminded me of our conversation earlier yesterday about people who think that fiction is a waste of time, perhaps because it isn't "real."
Now it reminds me of your comment about the poem.

I am really getting into this free association rambling. Scary, huh?


7:25 AM, April 05, 2006  
Blogger TT said...

What free association rambling, Jeanne? :) This is the way I think, and I prefer to call it a complex, dynamic, non-linear system.

This is a beautiful poem and a sustaining idea. Thank you, Sharon, for putting in on the blog. I needed it.

7:33 AM, April 05, 2006  

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