Strong Refuge

I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. Psalm 71:7

Saturday, April 08, 2006

A First

There was a wedding in town tonight, and I saw something that I have never even imagined happening in all my thirty-something years--a Baptist preacher dancing. Let me be the first to say it did my heart good, especially since I see no signs whatsoever that we have to take a vote or split up the church or anything over this. Thank God Almighty. We're free at last.

And the wedding was as beautiful as any I've ever seen, beautiful on many levels. I'll echo the officiating minister to sum it up: "This is the night the Lord hath made."


I posted this, and then I thought, "Oh, no. I can't say that." People might take it the wrong way, or they might think I'm spreading evil rumors, and then we really will have to take a vote and split the church up. I can't have that. So I have to add that I only saw him dance once with his wife and once with his daughter, and if you don't approve of dancing, maybe that wasn't even what it was at all... :)

Have I ever mentioned that I grew up in a church that considered Southern Baptists to be liberals? So some of us are free now, and some of us are still working on it. But thank God Almighty anyway.

*Late Edit*

The dancing preacher suggested that I say he's really bad at dancing, so any he might be seen doing doesn't really count. I take this to mean he hasn't had a whole lot of practice.

Jeanne and I talked about this today, and we both said that we cannot dance at all because we grew up in non-dancing homes, and we are overwhelmed with self-consciousness at the very thought of it. I can't play any kind of cards either for the same reason. (Okay, that's not really true. I can keep up with any four-year-old at Go Fish.)


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