Strong Refuge

I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. Psalm 71:7

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Exhaustion. Sets. In.

I'm too tired to even procrastinate. I'm too burned out to care enough not to care. Like my friend said a few days ago, "I feel like a trapped bee." I just keep buzzing around in a frantic effort to merely keep up, but I can't seem to accomplish anything for all the buzzing around.

I look around me at work, and everyone seems tired. At church, even the pastor is tired. Who knew Easter was such a big drain?

Another friend pointed out that we always expect December and the Christmas holidays to be very tiring and very stressful, so we are somewhat prepared for it. But we forget every year that April is just as stressful, so we let it slip up on us, and then we go around acting all offended by it. I guess T.S. Eliot really knew what he was talking about when he called April the cruelest month.

Looks like we're all in need of a spiritual/emotional/physical/mental pick-me-up. No wonder this is when people used to go on prilgrimages. Everyone needs a sloughing off event at least once a year.

So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to try to quit buzzing around the piles of work and clear my head enough to do something about them. I'm going to turn down the volume on the stress and go down to the coast to help out for a day. For purely selfish reasons. I'm going to go help someone else because it will make me feel better to get my mind off myself and all of my responsibilities. And the physical activity will help me overcome my mental exhaustion.

So there you have it. I'm a terrible person, but I could be much worse. :)

Let's all join hands now and sing a round of "The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow."

Or not.

There's a lesson in here somewhere. I promise. Some assembly may be required on your part, however.


Blogger THE PROFESSOR said...

Exhaustion is the bain of our existence. Close your eyes and think of a warm beach and fruity drinks with umbrellas in them. Think about someone waiting on you instead of the other way around. Better yet, get someone to wait on you. ;-)

7:48 AM, April 20, 2006  
Blogger Sharon Gerald said...

I tried that already. I closed my eyes and pictured the warm beach...being blown apart by Katrina. It didn't seem to help.

12:51 PM, April 20, 2006  

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